July 26, 2024

Is The Gold Correction Over? A Technical Look At Gold, HUI And The U.S. Dollar

By Vin Maru

Gold Analysis

Looking at the gold chart below, we can see that gold has been correcting over the last two weeks. When applying some technical analysis to the gold chart, we can clearly see that there would have been overhead resistance at $1800 since most of the year gold has traded between $1550 and $1800. A few weeks ago, we also noticed a big build in the short position on the Comex’s Commitment of Traders report COT by the commercial and bullion banks. The effort to stop gold’s advance at a key resistance level was successful in part because of the huge increase in the short position at that level, which is why we knew to take some profits and that would be an ideal place for a correction to start.

Now that the correction has started and gold is giving back some of its gains from the summer, the question now remains: How much of a retracement will we see on the price of gold? While the shorts are currently in control of driving the price down, support will come from other central banks and buyers of physical gold.

With gold at $1701, it is currently (noon on Tuesday Oct. 24) sitting below the 50 dma at $1720 which is above the 200 dma at $1662. The first line of support for this coming week was at $1720 and if it holds above the 50 dma the correction in gold could be over. If we continue to see weakness in gold over the next week or two, we can expect the correction will continue later this month and going into elections. This is something I suspect could happen if the overall markets continue to remain week.

Looking at the chart we suspect that buying will come in at the new support price range at about $1650 (+ or – $20) if the 50 dma at $1720 doesn’t hold this coming week. One thing to note is that the 50 dma crossed above the 200 dma around the end of September, which is an over good sign. However it needs to remain above the 200 dma for this advance higher in gold to hold before it can go on to make new highs. We remain optimistic that gold will either bounce here at the 50 dma of $1720 or at a retest of the 200 dma of $1662, which would still be bullish over all. If you are looking to add to your physical gold holdings and diversifying them internationally, scaling in now and at the $1650 price range would be a good place to start adding to current or new positions. Keep in mind that the support at the 200 dma may not hold, which means the price of gold can retrace right back to longer term support at $1550 which has been in place all year. However, I give it a small probability that we will correct back to that price range as we are entering a seasonally strong part of the gold cycle in November and December.

While I hate making predictions on what the gold price will do short term, I suspect it could consolidate between $1650 – $1750 for the remainder of the year. While we are entering a stronger part of the gold season and the fundamentals are lined up to suggest higher prices, we have conflicting events such as a huge concentrated short position, the US elections, the US fiscal cliff and tax loss selling to deal with for the remainder of the year. With 2 strong opposing forces acting on one another, the price of the metal may consolidate around $1650 – $1750 for some time until either the bulls or bears clearly take this market in one direction or another. Until then, all we can do is sit around and wait for a clear break outside the trading range that has been established over the last year.

HUI Gold Miners Index Analysis

Just like gold, the HUI index is also correcting since September. Earlier last month, we thought index would trade to 520 before meeting resistance, which we can clearly see it has done and it is now in the process of correcting. It would not be unusual for the index to give back up to 50% of its recent gains from the summer lows. Back in July, it looks like a low of 385 was made on the index and a recent high of 525 was achieved back in September; this is a 140 point gain. So if the market was to give back 50% of this gain or 70 points, we can expect the HUI to retrace back to about 455, which would be the next best time to add to positions.

Currently the HUI is at 495 which is still above the 50 dma at 482 and the 200 dma at 465, which is a positive alignment if the index can hold these gains. One thing to pay attention to from the chart below is the price action on the HUI from April this past year to the end of August, a period called the summer doldrums. During this period support came around 385 and was tested 2 different times, while overhead resistance was at 450 which also was tested a couple of times. Back then 450 was overhead resistance which was finally broken with a strong move higher during September; we suspect this will now become the new support level while 520 will act as resistance.

While we still remain cautiously optimistic that a new uptrend has started longer term, the HUI will most likely correct back to the 460 range ( + or – 10 points) over the coming months and 520 will now act as overhead resistance as a new trading range will be set. In general, support around 465 (the 200 dma) is where we would look to initiate new positions in some of the senior producers and hold them going into the New Year. At some point, I do expect overhead resistance at 520 will be breached to the upside at which point the HUI index could run to 580 and higher, but that would mean gold would have to be on fire and trading above its overhead resistance at $1800 on a holding basis. Until then, the miners will probably trade in a range where the HUI fluctuates between 460 and 520 as long as gold stays above $1650.

US Dollar Analysis

While the US dollar is looking good at the moment and getting a nice little bounce higher lately, this could be very short lived. The up channel that has been in place from August 2011 to August 2012 has been clearly broken and now it has started a new down trend channel this past August.

All we are seeing is a current bounce from oversold levels on the RSI and MACD and it already seem to be stalling out. The US dollar could move slightly higher to test the 50dma of 80.38 or the top of the new down channel at 81, but the rally should stop there. One thing to note is that the 50 dma just crossed below the 200 dma in the last few days, that is not a good sign. Once this relief rally is over, the dollar should continue downward and possibly to the bottom end of this downward channel. This could mean a definitive move below recent support around 78 on the index, if this happens and support is broken, it could lead to a cascading move downwards towards 75 or possibly 73.75 as the next major support level. If the dollar does break down, gold and silver will shoot much higher.

The best hope for the US dollar is for it to sit in a channel between 78 and 81.50 which is where I think it could trade sideways for some time until we clear the elections and get some direction on fiscal policy from the Fed.  If the dollar goes sideways, G and S will also trade in a sideways channel. More than likely we will get some clear direction once the election are done.


If you enjoyed reading this article and are interested in protecting your wealth with precious metals, you can receive our free blog by visiting TDV Golden Trader.   Also learn how you can purchase and protect your gold holdings by getting a copy of our special report Getting Your Gold out of Dodge or protecting the stock investments you currently own with Bullet Proof Shares.

Time To Buy The Summer Bottom In Gold

By Vin Maru

General Outlook for Gold and the Miners

It is our firm belief that the precious metals sector has bottomed out and the downside is very limited from here on out.  While there doesn’t seem to be an immediate rush back into the sector, now is a great time to be acquiring physical metals, but more importantly producers with growth profiles. That’s where we really see the value and upside potential.  Now would be a good time to start adding and scaling into any new positions you plan on taking.

If we would have to make a speculative/educated guess/evaluation, by looking at the charts and fundamentals for precious metals and the miners, we believe that the worst is over.  We are fairly certain that we have seen the bottom over this past summer and building a good position in the physical, ETFs, and select miners right now is looking very promising.

Support has pretty much held throughout the summer and it’s looking good going into the fall.  While we still may see one more down wave, it would be more of a fake breakdown below support just to scare the remaining weak hands.  If that happens, I would think backing up the truck is a good idea, and start getting aggressive in adding exposure to the sector.  Buying at support around $1570 is a good place to start adding to positions.  Over the next few weeks we expect gold to trade around $1600 (+ or – $30) in a sideways trading range.

The HUI is still lagging gold, but a solid base under 400 has been building and it looks like a good time to add at support around 390.  If you look at the chart below, it started a major correction back at the beginning of March (when we suggested selling) and made a bottom in the middle of May.  Since then the index has traded sideways between 390 and 460.  A particular item to note on the chart is a 3 fan formation that seems to be developing since March.  If the summer lows and support holds at 390, then a re-test of 420 and the 50 dma should come soon, this happens to be the top of 2nd fan line.  If it crosses above the 2nd fan line and holds above the 50 dma, it could trigger a move to 460 and overhead resistance, with a possible move to the 200 dma at 485.  This is something we will watch for and take one day at a time.

Juicing Profits with Covered Calls on the Senior Producers

If you are interested in options strategies for a flat market, you may want to consider writing calls against the shares you currently own or if you plan on take a position in the senior producers over the next few weeks.   This is great way to squeeze some extra money out of the market by writing covered calls while still maintaining a position in your favourite seniors.

If you own or are buying shares in major producers (which is a good idea as long as PM stay flat), make some extra money by selling call options slightly higher than market price (up to 20% higher is a good price) with a covered call option strategy.  This way you get to own the stock, collect dividends if the producer pays them and then collect the premiums by selling the calls.  If the stock breaks above the call strike price, you have the shares to deliver, and can still buy back your position at spot or wait for a slight pull back.

If you are unfamiliar with the covered call strategy, you can learn more about it by a simple google search or by visiting the Investopedia site discussing covered calls, below is a brief description from their site.

Definition of ‘Covered Call’

An options strategy whereby an investor holds a long position in an asset and writes (sells) call options on that same asset in an attempt to generate increased income from the asset. This is often employed when an investor has a short-term neutral view on the asset and for this reason hold the asset long and simultaneously have a short position via the option to generate income from the option premium.

Summary of Strategy

Our subscribers have been provided some good ideas for buying several senior producers.  There are many small to mid size producers which we also like and a few great exploration plays that are also on our radar.  Over the next few weeks, we will provide some additional companies which also merit owning a position in.  While it may not be feasible to buy shares in all these companies, you should create a basket of producers and exploration companies in your own portfolio.  At the moment, all the producers have great value (even if you bought at today’s prices) and most will do very well in the next few years.  You could literally throw a dart and pick anyone of the majors and they will all raise in share price once gold starts rising.  Our goal is to help find the ones that have greater upside potential and organic growth.

If you are familiar with options trading, you should consider buying some call options in many of the majors.  If you are very knowledgeable about options, consider the covered call strategy we just suggested with several of the majors that don’t have a great growth profile in the next year.  With a covered call, you want the stock to sit sideways while you collect the premiums for selling the calls.  If you don’t understand covered calls, we suggest you stay away from them or ask before you initiate this strategy.

For the moment, we suggest slowly picking away at the junior and explorers as they are usually the last to rise in price in a normal cyclical move higher in precious metals.  Could this time be any different?  Absolutely, they have become so cheap that many are trading for cash value and very little value is given to proven reserves.  This could change at any time and this is something we will watch for when all boats start rising with the coming tide into gold and the miners.  We feel that tide is coming soon and you want to be positioned to ride the wave once it does arrive, and looking out on the horizon all we can say is: SURF’S UP.

If you enjoyed reading this article and are interested in protecting your wealth with precious metals, you can receive our free blog by visiting TDV Golden Trader.
