July 27, 2024

US Mint Suspends Production of More Gold and Silver Coins

The United States Mint has officially announced the suspension of another slate of gold and silver products. The affected products are 2009 dated American Gold and Silver Eagle coins produced for collectors. These coins are considered collectible versions of the bullion coins.

Although these are collectible coins, they represent a sizable amount of precious metals sales and represent a method of gold and silver investment for many individuals. Last year, the US Mint sold 1,157,911 ounces of silver in the form of Silver Eagle coins minted for collectors. They also sold 155,740 ounces of gold in the form of Gold Eagle and Gold Buffalo coins minted for collectors.

The following message was posted on the US Mint’s website in the space where the collectible Gold Eagle coins typically appear. The proof coins has been offered uninterrupted since 1986. The uncirculated version has been offered since 2006.

Production of United States Mint American Eagle Gold Proof and Uncirculated Coins has been temporarily suspended because of unprecedented demand for American Eagle Gold Bullion Coins. Currently, all available 22-karat gold blanks are being allocated to the American Eagle Gold Bullion Coin Program, as the United States Mint is required by Public Law 99-185 to produce these coins “in quantities sufficient to meet public demand . . . .”

The United States Mint will resume the American Eagle Gold Proof and Uncirculated Coin Programs once sufficient inventories of gold bullion blanks can be acquired to meet market demand for all three American Eagle Gold Coin products. Additionally, as a result of the recent numismatic product portfolio analysis, fractional sizes of American Eagle Gold Uncirculated Coins will no longer be produced.

A similar message is posted in the section where collectible American Silver Eagle coins would typically appear. The proof coins have also been offered uninterrupted since 1986 and the uncirculated coins since 2006.

Production of United States Mint American Eagle Silver Proof and Uncirculated Coins has been temporarily suspended because of unprecedented demand for American Eagle Silver Bullion Coins. Currently, all available silver bullion blanks are being allocated to the American Eagle Silver Bullion Coin Program, as the United States Mint is required by Public Law 99-61 to produce these coins “in quantities sufficient to meet public demand . . . .”

The United States Mint will resume the American Eagle Silver Proof and Uncirculated Coin Programs once sufficient inventories of silver bullion blanks can be acquired to meet market demand for all three American Eagle Silver Coin products.

This adds to the lengthy list of 2009 dated precious metals products that have been “temporarily delayed” or suspended by the US Mint. In my previous post Actions of the US Mint Discourage Gold Ownership, I mentioned the delayed release of 2009 Gold Eagle fractional coins, 2009 Gold Buffalo coins, and all 2009 Platinum Eagle coins. The delay, which was first announced in November 2008, continues with no further explanation provided.

For those keeping track, here is a list of the US Mint’s 2009 precious metals products that have been “temporarily delayed” or suspended:

  • 2009 American Gold Eagle 1/2 oz. (bullion)
  • 2009 American Gold Eagle 1/4 oz. (bullion)
  • 2009 American Gold Eagle 1/10 oz. (bullion)
  • 2009 American Platinum Eagle 1 oz. (bullion)
  • 2009 American Platinum Eagle 1/2 oz. (bullion)
  • 2009 American Platinum Eagle 1/4 oz. (bullion)
  • 2009 American Platinum Eagle 1/10 oz. (bullion)
  • 2009 American Gold Buffalo 1 oz. (bullion)
  • 2009-W Proof American Gold Eagle 1 oz. (collector)
  • 2009-W Proof American Gold Eagle 1/2 oz. (collector)
  • 2009-W Proof American Gold Eagle 1/4 oz. (collector)
  • 2009-W Proof American Gold Eagle 1/10 oz. (collector)
  • 2009-W Proof American Gold Eagle 4 Coin Set (collector)
  • 2009-W Uncirculated American Gold Eagle 1 oz. (collector)
  • 2009-W Proof American Silver Eagle (collector)
  • 2009-W Uncirculated American Silver Eagle (collector)

In addition, the following precious metals related products were discontinued by the US Mint for 2009. These discontinuations were announced in November 2008. Amidst the environment of unprecedented demand for precious metals, the US Mint determined that these products were “unpopular.”

  • Uncirculated American Gold Eagle 1/2 oz. (collector)
  • Uncirculated American Gold Eagle 1/4 oz. (collector)
  • Uncirculated American Gold Eagle 1/10 oz. (collector)
  • Unriculated American Gold Eagle 4 Coin Set (collector)
  • Uncirculated American Gold Buffalo 1 oz. (collector)
  • Uncirculated American Gold Buffalo 1/2 oz. (collector)
  • Uncirculated American Gold Buffalo 1/4 oz. (collector)
  • Uncirculated American Gold Buffalo 1/10 oz. (collector)
  • Unriculated American Gold Buffalo 4 Coin Set (collector)
  • Proof American Gold Buffalo 1/2 oz. (collector)
  • Proof American Gold Buffalo 1/4 oz. (collector)
  • Proof American Gold Buffalo 1/10 oz. (collector)
  • Proof American Gold Buffalo 4 Coin Set (collector)
  • Uncircualted American Platinum Eagle 1 oz. (collector)
  • Uncircualted American Platinum Eagle 1/2 oz. (collector)
  • Uncircualted American Platinum Eagle 1/4 oz. (collector)
  • Uncircualted American Platinum Eagle 1/10 oz. (collector)
  • Uncircualted American Platinum Eagle 4 Coin Set (collector)
  • Proof American Platinum Eagle 1/2 oz. (collector)
  • Proof American Platinum Eagle 1/4 oz. (collector)
  • Proof American Platinum Eagle 1/10 oz. (collector)
  • Proof American Platinum Eagle 4 Coin Set (collector)

That makes a total of 38 precious metals products which have been delayed, suspended, or discontinued by the US Mint.

As it currently stands, investors or collectors looking to purchase newly minted American Eagle or American Buffalo precious metals products have only two options available. These are the 2009 1 oz. American Gold Eagle and the 2009 1 oz. American Silver Eagle. Both of these products continue to be subject to rationing.


  1. A MOST interesting read! No Silver No Gold to produce coins??!! AND STILL Silver & Gold prices FALL! WHAT A JOKE! What does it take or people to see MANIPULATION at play? This game will not last forever.

  2. So, with all these freed up gold blanks, trained employees and bullion they must be producing huge amounts of the other coins that they are rationing???? Say what?

  3. eugene losch says

    If the stock and bond markets were turned upside down by the elimination of Glass-Steagall and and they were, the uptick rule was removed to benefit stock market traders, who many people allege were manipulating the market. Political friends were given inside (info) or advantage; HOW WOULD IT BE POSSIBLE THAT ONLY THE GOLD AND SILVER MARKETS WERE THE ONLY MARKETS COMPLETELY UNTAINTED BY THE SAME INSIDERS WHO DESTROYED THE STOCK MARKET???????????????
    To believe that any market in this environment was untainted requires suspension of credulity!!!!!!!!!! or 2 and 1/2 bubbles off center!!!!

  4. I agree wholeheartedly. GOT GOLD?? TT

  5. Tom Anderson says

    The demand for any U.S. gold/silver/platinum coin is so huge, the mint can produce the weirdest fractional size of these coins and still the public would consume it all. So many coin shops have empty shelves, it’s a joke already these low prices on bullion. Eventually, the premiums on coins will reach 100% if the U.S. Mint keeps it up, which will lead to even worse hoarding by the public because the COMEX’s daily prices will be meaningless. There’s only one conclusion: the govt is anti constitutional and does not want the public to own gold and silver and platinum; inversely, they want no one to have an escape hatch for the mountains of worthless paper assets. Get ready for precious metals prices to skyrocket!

  6. Our financial markets and banking system are completely corrupt. The dollar is fake Monopoly money obtained through graft and political pull. The only protection for the average person is physical ownership of gold or silver; that is why the crooks running the goverment are restricting the supply. Madoff, Cramer, Nocera, Summers, Geithner, Bernanke and the rest – birds of a feather. They have and are looting this country.

  7. Our financial markets and banking system are completely corrupt. The dollar is fake Monopoly money obtained through graft and political pull. The only protection for the average person is physical ownership of gold or silver; that is why the crooks running the goverment are restricting the supply. Madoff, Cramer, Nocera, Summers, Geithner, Bernanke and the rest – birds of a feather. They have and are looting this country.
    Should say great post. Can’t wait to reading the next one!

  8. There continues to be two gold and silver markets:
    the physical (real) and the COMEX (paper). Since the COMEX prices are manipulated down by our government through their stooges at the bullion banks, the obvious solution is for investors to buy contracts on the COMEX market and then STAND FOR DELIVERY. MAKE SURE TO HAVE YOUR GOLD TAKEN OUT OF THE COMEX WAREHOUSE AND DELIVERED TO YOU. WHEN ENOUGH PEOPLE DO THAT SIMPLE THING, THEN THE WAREHOUSES OF THE COMEX WILL BE CLEANED OUT. THAT MEANS: GAME OVER!!!!
    And there’s bonus: you don’t have to pay a ridiculous premium for the metal. You get it at the manipulated (down) price. WAKE UP. COME OUT OF YOUR COMAS. JUST DO YOURSELF AND YOUR FELLOW INVESTORS A FAVOR AND PUT AN END TO THIS FRAUD.

  9. The problem with Comex contracts is that one of them costs a small investor many times the price of a one ounce gold coin.

    I wish the banks in Australia would still accept gold as collateral!

  10. Sounds like the US government would rather keep whatever gold they possess, instead of exchanging it for their own paper currency.
    For the average small investor, the purchase of gold or silver coins from the mint (or bullion/coin dealers) is the only practical way to purchase gold or silver.
    I think it’s obvious that the government does not want people to own precious metals. What’s next – a legislative decree forbidding the ownership of gold?

  11. The government corruption will still go even further when it decrees that gold and silver bullion be turned over to them, just as FDR did in 1933. If you want protection, you’d better buy into numismatic gold and silver, because the foreign central banks are going to demand payment of US debt in gold and silver. So much for the constitution. This is NOT change we can believe in.

  12. Union Worker says

    This is a Big Deal..
    Buy More Gold and Silver..! Get out of all paper assetts ASAP.. Sell off your toys and un-used stuff on ebay ASAP raise cash.
    Buy Tuna Fish , Beans , Canned Goods Now.
    Higher Prices are coming.. Buy Ammo for your guns. Be Prepared…

  13. paul kenny says

    the mint seems to be a good area to create some jobs
    maybe they can pay them in gold


  15. Gold & Silver bullion are the great equalizers in a world of financial turmoil since biblical times. Save yourself and your family from inflation.

  16. Is it me, or does it seem like the government is taking the dollar for a ride as long as it can because it knows that the trouble with our dollar is unreversable. Just think about somebody who knows they will undoubtably be declaring bankruptcy, they go on a spending spree untill it ends everything is maxed out and used up.
    Can you say manipulation! It is easy to see what is going on here!!

  17. The US is becoming the “thief nation” as it spends up what is left of its’ credit ability and credibility, whilst knowingly being unable to ever repay its’ obligations to creditor nations. There are two possibilities, out right foreign debt default or an attempt to inflate away the debt through massive inflation. Either prospect bodes well for silver and gold, and very badly for fiat currencies and particularly badly for the ordinary honest US citizen who does not own them.

  18. Just get China to mint the coins, they will have them here next week. Don’t expect the USA to continue doing this type of work. We have lost our edge. We don’t know how to produce anymore. 17th in Math & Science. We are still good in greed, and wrecking the what used to be the world’s greatest ecomomy.

  19. jimmy dee says

    2006w american eagle uncirculated 1/2 ounce fractional gold coin worth $1,200.00 and 1/4 ounce worth $700.00?
    2008w american eagle uncirculated 1/4 ounce fractional gold coin worth $1,000.00?. mintage at 9,200 pieces. the lowest of all american eagle gold series.
    well, no more production by the u,s, mint. that is my price.

  20. FORGET ABOUT GOLD AND SILVER…booze, cigs, ammunition, antibiotics, seeds and canning supplies will be the new slice of gold if the US economy collapses…I never ate a gold coin…never will.

  21. Draco Malfoy says

    There is too much paranoia,it makes me paranoid.

  22. Take it easy Draco. Hold your Silver and Gold, be patient, and watch the worldwide fiat foolishness unravel.

  23. I agree with Tim, these will be highly sought after when the fecal matter hits the occilation device, however there is much to be said for having to move your wealth at a moments notice, or i suppose you can decide to make your final stand instead, boozed up, smoke in hand, finger on the trigger……. that does,nt sound so bad either……

  24. Not that it seems to matter anymore, but isn’t suspending production illegal?

  25. LongJohn Silver (Ron Stickel) says

    Hi; My name is Al; I’m from the Government and I’m here to help you.

    I’m taking a survey and I just need everyone with Gold and Silver to print their name and address on this list and also how many ounces of each of these afore mentioned coins you have in your position.
    Everyone who cooperates will be have the gratitude of all the others. So please give generously.

    Once your name has been included on the list, place your coins on the curb in front of your house for prompt pickup by a qualified agent.

    Ha ha ha….had you going didn’t I. ; )

  26. Franklin Holmes says

    Gold is a great safe haven investment and the ultimate currency. However if you really want to make some serious profit in the next couple of years, buy silver! Buy all you can get your hands on! silver is dirt cheap right now with the gold/silver ratio of 75:1 it has virtualy no downside. 2010 will see a flood of fiat paper chasing a small amount of silver. As gold prices skyrocket the average Joe will be priced out of the market and will turn to silver, this will cause further price escalation.
    There has never been an opportunity to make such a profit from one single investment.

  27. Silver… Gold… Beans… Bullets… Band-aids…

    How to prepare while also educating others?

    Teaching… Sharing… Co-oping… Giving… Learning… Bartering… Trading…

    Metaphysical natural resources

  28. federal devils will outlaw gold sooner or later.FDR already did it in the 30’s.it was illegal to own gold till 1975.

    first they will manufacture a crisis-‘gold is a main tool of a drug trade!’ then paid demonstrators will demand ‘government shall do something about it !’ and so on-as usual.

    ‘USA Today’ will print another stupid diagram ‘96% of Americans think that drugs are connected with gold’ and the law will make anyone with a gold coin a drug dealer suspect.

  29. Is it not obvious what is happening here? Gold is a store of value, while the US dollar is being regarded as a loss of value. Holding US dollar is extremely risky, but the last thing the government needs to do is let the American tax payers save their money in gold and keep it out of circulation. They need us to spend spend spend. So they figure that the best way to encourage circulation is to remove the store of value (aka gold). Somebody thought this was a good idea. The only thing good about this is that other gold-producing nations get to reap the benefits of hungry American investors seeking for shortage of gold. All of a sudden, the Canadian Maple Leaf will see a rise in sales. Sure, let’s support the Canadians. Why not???

  30. can anyone tell who the h-ll makes the blanks and why cant they produce more whats going on here? sounds like the business to be in…

    thanks in advance

  31. john doris says

    China just had it savings destroyed by the bailouts and the exponential dilution of the Dollar. They will think that’s bad. If they wake up to smart solutions they will let their lame ducks fail and the world economy will follow like dominos. The Chinese are used to hardship.

  32. James Juste says

    You can still buy precious metal coins at dealers in US but of foreign striking, e.g. British Sovereigns good. If confiscation occurs why not drive over to Canada or Mexico to dealers there? Traitorous FDR exempted numismatics but they may not be exempt again.

  33. “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation,
    the banks and corporations that will
    grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

    Thomas Jefferson

  34. Andrew Jackson (7th U.S. President) said this about the Second Bank of the United States (the Federal Reserve is the 3rd): “The bold effort the present bank had made to control the Government, the distress it had wantonly produced … are but premonitions of the fate that awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution, or the establishment of another like it.” The U.S.A. had no central bank from 1841, when that one was abolished by Jackson, until 1913, when the Federal Reserve was established. We are now reaping the fate Andrew Jackson predicted.

  35. First of all, FDR only consfiscated gold held in American Territories. He could not LEGALLY confiscate the gold of Americans living in a State (not a Territory), as that would require a Constitutional Amendment. He could NOT do so under any “emergency” either, as NO EMERGENCY can suspend the US Constitution, and if anybody, especially a politician, tells you that the US Constitution MUST be suspended due to this “emergency” or that “emergency”, KILL THEM. Yes, I said it – KILL THEM. They ARE YOUR ENEMIES who are seeking to DESTROY the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America. Fight them tooth and nail, and if you drop while fighting them, CRAWL to fight them some more. But FIGHT! FIGHT THEM! Fight them in the streets, fight them in the gutters, fight them in the forests, plains, hills, and deserts. BUT FIGHT THEM!

    If you don’t, then you will end up a slave.

    History is its own testament to that fact.

  36. Clayton Jones says

    “The is no justice in this world except for brief moments.” You know who said that? I did! We’ve all said it at one time or another and now the gravity and truth of the above quote is painfully evident. The People’s brief moment is coming! Jefferson understood the dangers of private bankers taking control of the monetary system, but his assumption that the government would abide by good monetary policies was naive or hopeful at best. Madison and Adams knew the dangers of an immoral people taking over the government and thereby no longer recognizing the fundamental rights of a free people. Jefferson knew tyrants will create a crisis and then take away liberty to supposedly protect the population. All of the wars America has fought in the last century and the present are designed to take away freedom and truth. The following are some of those miserably failed wars: WWI, !929 Depression, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, War on Poverty, Gulf War I, Gulf War II, War on Drugs, War on Terror and on and on! Hell HR 875 is will be a war on food. I just can see Obama’s latest agency: War on Gardens and Seeds! Folks if you guys buy this bull crap I have some beach front property in Southern Arizona I want to sell you. My point is none of these wars are or were fought in part or entirely to steal our LIberties. Victory is a mirage a best. These websites are great for expression, but the day is coming when even free expression/speech will be deemed as an act of Terrorism even if the speech is to defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights! Free speech in Missouri is taking a beating. Militia men are now the enemy of the state! In my home state of New Mexico our state constitution has a militia clause in it that states…..every able bodied man of the ages of 18 through 45 are in the militia and this militia is the unorganized militia that can’t be drafted by the federal government, but is a counter balance to federal troops! Wow those founders were smart! The men on high hate that one! “Talk is cheap and Action is Steep….” Have you figured out who said that? Good day

  37. Isn’t it against the law for the mint to suspend production.

    By any chance did the Constitution provide for the execution of all of our so-called traitorous representatives at the same time? Plus, at the same time, we the people could do the the CEOs of big corporations AND all members of the unconstitutional federal reserve? That still leaves the highest levels of the military.

  38. escapefromobamastan says

    The constitution gave us the right to form armed militias for a reason. Better join one now.

  39. Evenus Cinatus says

    What about the Capital Gains Tax?
    If gold skyrockets and you trade your gold for
    cash or other products your liable for the tax.
    If gold goes from $1000/troy oz. to $10,000/tr. oz. The gain is $9,000. If capital gain tax is
    50% the government expects $4,500 of your gain.
    If the dollar value of everyday products increase
    percentage wise with the value of gold you will
    lose 45% of the value you thought was protected
    by holding gold. So the question is whether you
    are a law abiding citizen and pay the tax. Maybe
    you will realize you have no choice but to deny,
    deny, DENY you have any gold at all. We are faced with hard choices to make in the future.

  40. You (or the US Mint) can call these coins “collectible” or anything else you prefer.

    However, these coins ARE legal tender. The “silver eagle” IS one dollar.

    Legal Tender http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/uscode31/usc_sec_31_00005103—-000-.html

    Coin Minting

    In part,
    “(h) The coins issued under this title shall be legal tender as provided in section 5103 of this title”

  41. Evenus Cinatus says

    No the silver eagles are NOT legal tender lawfully. The coin contains about 1 troy ounce
    of silver. Legally legal tender is 90% silver
    alloyed with 10% copper. The pure silver content
    is .7734 troy ounces for the one dollar legal tender coin. The new design “silver” quarters
    are legal tender since they contain .1808 troy
    ounces of silver in a 90% alloy.

  42. There is no capital gains tax on the sale of gold Mr/s “evenus”. Taxes are based on a fiat system, otherwise there would be no inflation or taxes paid in anything other than gold or silver. it is a 100% store of wealth, not 100% – tax. good try though. troll elsewhere.

  43. When do the American people put a stop to all this nonsense? Every tax dollar you pay is a bullet in your own self-destruction.

  44. This site seems to be the domain of numerous right wing “nut jobs”. Wake up and smell the coffee! We are just talking about coins here. This is not about the Constitution or gun ownership.
    You can still sleep with your cheap Chinese AK and not worry about Obama confiscating your Harley or whatever other icon of right wing nuttery that you currently worship.
    As long as you listen to uneducated fools like Beck, Limbaugh or Hannity you will remain in a permanent state of paranoid ignorance and bigotry.

  45. As a collector, I would like to see the silver eagle proofs be reinstated by the US Mint. It has been a part of the whole Silver Eagle program
    since 1986. It is still bullion, but in a premium form of proof condition. The public will
    buy them as well. Re-in state this form of silver eagle, please U,S, Mint director.

  46. Where do they grow some of these dimwits who have to go off on tangents with our political system, banking, and the stock market?
    Here, we have a simple site to blog on coins, precious metals, and the US Mint that seems to have lost its’ way.
    Does anyone have some inside info we can use? – Like when we’re going to see our missing coins?

  47. Turtle1663 says

    Idiotic constructs such as “Left” and “Right” simply don’t apply to it. … left-vs-right was invented by them and really only serves to devide people. ..
    Once we (the people) realize this we can then finally organize us against them.

  48. Wow I wonder if most people on here are right wing republicans? Feel the end of the world is coming because there is a black president? Hoarding guns n gold won’t help. You have mental problems, and feeling of inadequacies which result in you buying all these guns n gold. Stop whining and do good for society! Volunteer to help the poor, donate to charities etc,.

  49. “The single most important thing any human being can do, anywhere in the world, right now, today – is BUY SILVER. EVEN IF ONLY ONE OUNCE, OR TWO. BUY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AFFORD. IF 100 Million human beings buy one ounce of silver – the central banker parasites are FINISHED. And, humanity can go back to living as God intended them to live – in FREEDOM.

    The Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield http://dont-tread-on.me/the-silver-bullet-and-the

    Crash JP Morgan – Buy Silver (Episode 96, Keiser Report) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN0rcNJXFfI

    I’m a Crazy Silver-Bug…Why Aren’t You?
    (or, 33 reasons to buy silver, instead of gold…) http://www.roadtoroota.com/public/597.cfm


    source: http://www.thelibertyunderground.net/2011/05/ron-paul-both-parties-are-controlled-by.html

    Watch ‘The Best Documentary of 2010′ – “The Secret of OZ”, to understand how the European Central Bankers took over the United States, in 1913, and realize, that by buying SILVER, we may be able to take our country back…

    The Secret of Oz


  1. […] Originally posted here: US Mint Suspends Production of More Gold and Silver Coins | Gold … […]

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