July 26, 2024

Gold and Silver News & Headlines for November 26

Dig It: These People are Burying Their Cash

Some people are withdrawing money from their FDIC insured, interest bearing bank accounts to bury the cash (or gold purchased with cash) in their backyards. A few years ago something like this would have sounded paranoid or at least eccentric, but it doesn’t seem that way anymore.

The gold price over Thanksgiving

Will the bullish bent for gold hold true this Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday?

Gold vs. Oil: Gold is Winning

If you haven’t seen a chart of the gold/oil ratio lately, check out this article.

Is the Great Bear Bullish on Gold?

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation continues to increase their holdings in gold. As the price of gold has fallen, their purchases seem to have accelerated.

Bring back the link between gold and the dollar

Many high profile publications are starting to voice the opinion. First, it was the Wall Street Journal, now the Financial Times.

Gold and Silver News & Headlines for October 25

Links to some excellent gold and silver related stories and blog posts:

A Golden Opportunity?

In Russia, investing in gold is difficult and any profits are hampered by 18 VAT charged on bullion purchases. As an alternative, some turn to jewelry. Sales of gold jewelry have surged 50% in the past two months.

Why the Price of Gold is Sinking Fast

Some great outside the box thinking about what’s keeping the price of gold down. Read the full post, but here’s my attempt to quickly summarize the idea: Gold and stocks are supposed to be negatively correlated. But since diversified investors now own both, does that make gold and stocks correlated?

How to Buy Physical Gold and Silver on the COMEX

The idea seems to be catching on.