July 27, 2024

Gold and Silver Recap: G20 Aftermath and Silver Price

Well it looks like the G20 worked.  Talk of ending competitive devaluation seems to have put a bit of zip into the dollar, and other currencies.  This has hurt gold, particularly towards the end of the week.

Oddly it didn’t touch silver, the purer inflation play.  So the view is that the end of the world is much less nigh than it was last week, but inflation is still on the way up.  Or perhaps the investors are confused as I am.  It’s usually the second answer when the market is spinning around in the short term.  In the long term the market may be the most rational engine for progress, but in the short term it is irrational and emotional.  Of course it is in the medium term that rational speculators make their money.

Precious Metals London Fix Prices
Gold $1,388.50 -7.00 (-0.50%)
Silver $26.79 +0.65 (+2.49%)
Platinum $1,712.00 -52.00 (-2.95%)
Palladium $703.00 +16.00 (+2.33%)

Talking about the long run, there’s even talk of gold being reintroduced to the international monetary system, from the President of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick.  “The [new monetary] system should also consider employing gold as an international reference point of market expectations about inflation, deflation and future currency values.”  Wow.  Sounds like the London Gold Pool of the 1950s and 1960s, although the United States tried throughout that time to stop private individuals buying gold.  He then says to the fiat money stalwarts “Although textbooks may view gold as the old money, markets are using gold as an alternative monetary asset today.”  Too true.  And silver.

But in the actual precious metals market the real movers were still private individuals rather than governments, with many metals traders warning that there is a big wall of consumer money coming in to the precious metals markets in the shape of planned commodity funds.  Could this be the start of the last leg when the main street investors buy into the death of fiat currency argument?

The silver market still went up, which on the face of it is a puzzle.  If the reason why gold went down was that the market believed that governments weren’t racing to finish off the purchasing power of their currencies, why is silver still going up?  Surely it should be going down.  More.

My theory is that this could be an unwind from the silver price fixing allegations as the action was at the start of the week.  There is also a potentially large overhang of short future positions, which essentially means that there are a lot of people who are selling silver without having bought it.  If they all have to close their positions at once, or buy the silver, then the price could shoot up.